Time for a new adventure!
Posted by Madalena Antao on
Hello ...it's me, Moodie Maddie aka The Digital Weaver.
'Well, I've finally done it!' she said apprehensively looking around the office one last time, then she walked out the familiar glass doors and into the cinematic sunset, inwardly electrified at the thought of her new adventure, with her fingers firmly crossed for luck!
'Done what?' the reading public thought silently.
Perhaps if you know me, you'll know I've worked at Seafolly for just over twenty years, I started there back in '95. It was an amazing journey, with wonderful people and loads of successful prints. Which segues nicely into my next point.... Why? Why leave a great job to start your own design studio? The answer: The challenge, the excitement and I must have been told hundreds of times, 'you should start your own business.'...thusly the seed was probably subconsciously sown and here I am, writing my first blog post, thinking to myself, 'is anybody really going to read this??'
If you are actually reading this, that is pretty cool...and btw here is a big digital 'thanks!'
If you don't know me and you feel like reading more...here's a link to a fun editorial interview a sweet friend convinced me to do....see page 22.
big hugs....wish me luck....maddie xx